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CHAPEL Service
Sundays at 8:15am

Sanctuary Worship Service
Sundays at 10:30am
You are invited to the upstairs Sanctuary for traditional, liturgical worship including the chancel choir and pipe organ.

Our Sanctuary Service is live-streamed on our YouTube Channel each Sunday.

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Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.

Chancel Choir

This choir sings an anthem in the 10:30 worship service each Sunday. They rehearse at 6pm on Sundays and would love for you to join them.


Bell Choir

The bells play on special occasions during worship and rehearse on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30pm. Occasionally, a beginners bell group meets for those interested in learning about playing bells.


Cherubs Choir

Children in elementary school rehearse on Wednesday afternoons at 5:30pm and the choir sings in worship and at the Wednesday Night Suppers occasionally.


special services

For the Lord is good and God's love endures forever.

Every time we worship it is special, but these services are generally held on a time other than Sunday morning or include different elements that the congregation finds especially meaningful.


Ash Wednesday

Palm Sunday

Easter Sunday

Maundy Thursday

Good Friday (with First Presbyterian)

World Communion Sunday

All Saints Day

Christmas Vespers

Hanging of the Greens

Christmas Eve


kids worship

"Let the little children come to me." -Jesus

In the 10:30 Sanctuary worship service, the children are invited to the front steps for a message especially for them. Following that message, all children are encouraged to sit on the front pew while the Chancel Choir sings the anthem. After the anthem, children K-5th grades are escorted to the Kids Worship room for music, prayers, activities and more to further understand the components of worship. Younger children can be taken to the Infant & Toddler Nursery downstairs.

Kids Worship
Special Services

© 2024 by Greeneville Cumberland Presbyterian Church

201 N. Main Street Greeneville, TN 37745

Tel: 423-638-4119


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