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Every opportunity to serve is open to those willing to share their gifts of time and talent. To learn about how to get involved in a specific area, call the church office.





Through cooking, shopping, collecting and delivering, we can serve to meet our neighbors most basic need.



Even our smallest efforts can go a long way when they are offered in love.




The following volunteer opportunities are available within the church.


Bereavement Meals

Serve on a team that provides a meal to a family grieving the loss of a close family member. To volunteer contact Karen Zimmerman.

​Flower Guild

Work with this team to provide flowers for the altar in worship. To volunteer contact Diane Gass.


Serve on the team to help welcome those attending worship each Sunday. To volunteer contact Peggy DeBerry.

Heritage Ministry

This group works to document the church's history and maintain artifacts. To volunteer contact Jo Knabel.

Ministry Teams

Most of the church's work is directed through Ministry Teams. We have a Christian Education team, Congregational Events team, Fellowship & Service team, Outreach & Missions team, Properties team, Stewardship & Finance team, Staff-Parish Relations team, Worship team, and Youth team. If you would like to find the right team for you, contact Abby Keller.

Prayer Shawls

This group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month to knit shawls for those in need of prayer and comfort. To volunteer, contact Abby Keller.

Social Host

Help provide snacks or finger foods for a social time following the worship services. To volunteer, contact Rita Carter or Becky Myers.

Usher Ministry

The ushers help seat those who worship in the 10:30 service, help collect offering and maintain building safety throughout the services. To volunteer, contact Tim Teague.

Visitation Team

This group strives to stay in touch with senior church members, especially those who can no longer attend worship. They meet the first Tuesday of every month at 2:00pm. To volunteer contact Abby Keller.

Children's Ministry Volunteer

Serve on Wednesday afternoons in our Gabriels program, help drive, or assist with Kids Worship. All volunteers working with children must pass a criminal background check. To volunteer, contact Andy Blackwelder.

Youth Ministry Volunteer

Serve on Wednesday afternoons or evenings with our Middle School or High School groups. All volunteers working with youth must pass a criminal background check. To volunteer, contact Andy Blackwelder.



Nearly 8.5% of our church's operating budget is contributed to Our United Outreach. This is a cooperative effort of all Cumberland Presbyterian churches to fund ministries and missions beyond our local communities. To learn more about Our United Outreach or to contribute to a specific cause, visit the OUO page by clicking the logo.

© 2024 by Greeneville Cumberland Presbyterian Church

201 N. Main Street Greeneville, TN 37745

Tel: 423-638-4119


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