Ways to Give
Sunday Worship
In each Sunday worship service, ushers will pass offering plates up and down each row for attendees to share monetary gifts. Church members can request offering envelopes through the church office for regular giving and guests may use envelopes provided in the pew rack.
Automatic Draft
To set up an automatic draft from your checking account, stop by the main church office to pick up an ACH form. Complete the form with your account information and return it to the church office. Automatic drafts are set up through Andrew Johnson Bank.
By Mail
If you would like to mail your contribution to the church, please mail to:
Greeneville Cumberland Presbyterian Church
201 N. Main St.
Greeneville, TN 37745
Online Giving
You may set up a secure one-time gift or schedule a recurring gift through our online giving platform hosted by Tithe.ly. Through online giving, you choose how often your gift is deducted and you are given an option to cover the fees for the church, which is also a tax-exempt payment. You will be sent an email receipt at an address you provide. To give online, click the button below.
There are options to give to the general fund or to the Helene Relief Fund.